Super Healthiness

Natural Scabies Treatment With Tea Tree Oil

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Scabies is a condition which does not have a good public image at all for it is often linked with personal hygiene practices, but it is a disease that spreads more often than people think. In this aspect we have realized that we are at the increase in incidence that is right now spread by covid-19. Experts are still baffled about what’s causing an increase in this disorders, but one theory they have is the additional time at home which can lead to greater sufferings and delays in medical care.

Scabies is inflicting with the parasites’ attack of which the deep-skin-burrowing Sarcoptes scabei mites are accused of inducing extreme itching sensation reaching their zenith at night. Symptoms are rashes that resemble hives which initially appear in the fingers’ webs in the elbow and knee joints or on the reddishness around the female breast, penis, testicles, or on the waistline.

Mites Can Also Burrow Under Your Fingernails

Natural Scabies

The body’s immune system elicits itching from scabies because there are mites, eggs of the mites, and their residues in the body. On the other hand, there is a complication what can be shown by bacteria (staphylococci or streptococci) that can cause a wound by scratching. Those infections exhibit such symptoms as redness, swelling, warmth and pain, pinkish-yellow discharge of pus and similar features.

Scabies may cause a big concern among those who are immunocompromisingly and those dwell in more humble circumstances such as rehabilitation centers and old age homes. As a complication, when the condition becomes chronic, it will result in crusted scabies or “Norwegian scabies” which are more severe and highly contagious forms of scabies that cause hard scales covering the body parts like fingers, foot, scalp and face and it will take a long time to treat them.

Which Can Be The Causes Of Scabies?

Sarcoptes scabei, which is almost transparent, is an extremely small, eight-legged mite. Spending all day being bored and lame, females make an even deeper tunnel to lay their eggs right under the skin. In the third week, the eggs produce larval mites which indicate their readiness to feed on other body parts or new victims. Close physical involvement, for instance, proximity with the infected person, body contact or to common bedding may transmit the mites. These fleas could live on a human’s body for 15-30 days but will not live on other surfaces longer than 2 days and removing them by washing also kills them. Mange in animals, even pets, is different because with that there is a different mite that causes it, and it does not survive on humans because the mite cannot cause mange in human bodies.

What Is The Conventional Treatment?

It is always necessary for a doctor to diagnose to avoid confusion. Some people may believe they have scabies when dermatitis or other skin conditions. Conventional medicine treats scabies with permethrin, lindane, or malathion. They are potent insecticides available only by prescription. The application of a cream with 5% permethrin is usually prescribed. It is applied all over the body, left on for 8-12 hours and then washed off with a shower.

Alternatively, your doctor may prescribe the antiparasitic drug ivermectin, taken by mouth. This treatment eliminates the mites, although itching can persist for several weeks as the immune system continues to respond to the presence of eggs, debris, and dead mites. To reduce this itching, antihistamines may be prescribed.

The insecticides used to treat scabies can cause side effects (for example, cause asthma, especially in children). In the worst case, an excess in the dose could harm the nervous system since it is treat with neurotoxic substances.

Scabies Natural Treatment

Scabies cannot be treat only with more hygiene or the application of balsamic creams. It is essential to eradicate the mite, but it is worth consulting with the doctor for the initial application of gentle treatment.

  • A specialist in integrative medicine proposes two options:
  • Apply a cream with 1% permethrin (you can prepare it at the pharmacy)

Use tea tree oil (neem, obtained from the Azadirachta indica tree) diluted in base oil in equal parts (for example. One tablespoon of tea tree oil and one tablespoon of sweet almond or olive oil). You can find neem oil at health food stores and organic stores. Make definite it is pure essential oil, if possible organically produced. You can apply certified natural calendula balms or the traditional Chinese remedy Tiger Balm to treat the itching.

You Can Also Apply Wipes Moistened In Cold Water To The Irritated Areas.

Once the mite infection has been eliminating. A relaxation technique, visualisation, or meditation can be performe to reduce itching and balance the immune response. Breathing exercises and yoga also help.

Prevention Of Infection With Scabies

To avoid reinfestation and the spread of mites to other people Wash all clothes. Towels and bedding used in the three days before treatment with hot water (60ºC at least) and detergent. If you have a dryer, use it at a high temperature. Items you don’t want to wash or dry. On high heat can be store in a tightly close bag for two weeks. Also, carefully vacuum the entire house and dispose of the vacuum bag.