Super Healthiness

Hollywood Diet And protein- How It Works

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Slim as the stars – that’s what the Hollywood diet promises. The combination of high-protein and low-fat foods is based on the enzymes of exotic fruits such as pineapple. She became known through the stars of the first major Hollywood films. Read today how the Hollywood Diet works and whether you can use it to lose weight sustainably and healthily.

What is the Hollywood Diet?

The Hollywood Diet was born in the 1920s and was intended to help film actors get slimmer. At the time, stimulants such as seafood or tropical fruits played an important role. Fruits are still part of the diet today, as the enzymes they contain are said to support digestion.

The Hollywood Diet combines low-carb foods in which protein and high-carbohydrate foods are not eaten together. That should shed the pounds.

This is how the Hollywood Diet works

The general direction is to eat high in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates. Tropical fruits are high in carbohydrates, so they are only available as a snack with a two-hour interval between the previous and next meal. The enzymes in tropical fruits are said to aid in digestion. But that’s a misconception. They are broken down in the stomach.

Up to 60% of your daily calorie intake comes from protein-rich diets. The total liveliness intake of the Hollywood food combination is 700-800 kcal per day. If the body signals hunger in between, there is fruit as a snack.

What foods are allow?

Carbohydrate-rich foods such as potatoes, grains and grain products, and sugar are prohibit, as they are considere fattening in the Hollywood Diet. What ends up on the plate instead:

  • lean meat, lean fish and seafood
  • salad
  • Low carb vegetables
  • tropical fruit

Some variations also allow nuts, legumes, and low-fat dairy.

That brings the Hollywood Diet

The goal has been achieving: the deficient calorie intake combine with a high protein and low carbohydrate content ensures rapid weight loss.

Risks of the Hollywood Diet

Nutrient deficiency

Nutrient deficiency

Low fat and carbohydrate intake can be associate with nutrient deficiencies. Above all, the body does not get enough B vitamins because these are mainly founding in cereals. A lack of fat-soluble vitamins can also occur because the body cannot absorb these vitamins or only in small amounts due to the low-fat content of the food.

Gout risk

High-protein meals fill you up. But high protein intake can cause gout or kidney stones.

Jojo effect

If you limit your daily energy intake to less than 1000 calories, you risk your body freezing its metabolism. The yo-yo effect sets in quickly after the end. Because the body is afraid of a new period of hunger and stores food in fat deposits as a precaution, that means more hip fat, not less. Without a long-term change in diet, weight loss is therefore not sustainable.

Hollywood Diet: Conclusion

Who doesn’t want to look like a Hollywood star? But the Hollywood Diet is non the way to go. Proceeding the one hand, it has long been disprove that carbohydrates are the fattening factor in food. On the other hand, the total energy intake is also low, as is the fat and carbohydrate content. Protein, on the other hand, is too much.

Although you’ll lose weight quickly, you’ll likely gain the weight back just as quickly. So stay away from the Hollywood Diet.